Sri Lanka Asia

Sri Lanka, Asia

Malaria Risk & Vaccination Information

What is the risk of malaria in Sri Lanka?

There is a low risk of Malaria in the area north of Vavuniya and a very low risk in the rest of Sri Lanka. Antimalarials are not recommended but awareness of the risk and bite avoidance is advised.

Please check HERE to see a malaria map of Sri Lanka on fitfortravel (a NHS website).

What else can I do to prevent malaria?

For more information and advice on how to prevent malaria, see our How To Avoid Insect & Mosquito Bites page.

What Vaccines do I need for Sri Lanka?

Below is a table designed to show you what vaccines are mandatory, recommended or ones to consider when visiting Sri Lanka:

CholeraHepatitis AHepatitis BJapanese EncephalitisMeningitisRabies

RecConCon Con

TetanusTick Borne Encephalitis Typhoid Yellow Fever Vaccine

Rec Rec

Man = Mandatory

Con = Consider

Rec = Recommended

Req = Required if visiting from area with risk of transmission

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