Chile South America

Chile, South America

Malaria Risk & Vaccination Information

Chile is generally a safe country for UK travellers. There is no risk of malaria, and there is very little risk of infectious diseases that can be vaccinated against. The climate in Chile is very diverse with a long coastline hugging the Pacific, the vast Andean mountain range running the length of the country, and one of the driest deserts ion the world to the north, the Atacama.

What is the risk of malaria in Chile?

Great News! Malaria is not usually present in Chile and this includes Polynesian Easter Island as well!

Are there mosquitoes or other biting insects in Chile?

You will find biting insects in Chile like mosquitos and larval mites, whilst they do not spread malaria they can spread American trypanosomiasis, Chikungunya and West Nile Virus. It is therefore really important that you look to reduce the risk of insect bites where ever possible. For more information and advice on how to prevent insect bites, you may wish to read our excellent How To Avoid Insect & Mosquito Bites page or skip straight to our large selection of insect repellents

What Vaccines do I need for Chile?

Below is a table designed to show you what vaccines are mandatory, recommended or ones to consider when visiting Chile:

CholeraHepatitis AHepatitis BJapanese EncephalitisMeningitisRabies

-ConCon- - Con

TetanusTick Borne EncephalitisTuberculosisTyphoidYellow Fever CertificateYellow Fever Vaccine

Rec- - Con NoNo

Man = Mandatory

Con = Consider

Rec = Recommended

Req = Required if visiting from an area with risk of transmission

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